olearycrew’s avatarolearycrew’s Twitter Archive—№ 5,202

    1. …in reply to @paveldcr
      SvitekPavel macsikora gitlab I got some time to at least put a repo together: gitlab.com/brendan-demo/monorepo-simple. Two folders - one with "node" one with "python". Then the .gitlab-ci.yml has 2 jobs - one for building each. When things change in the node folder, the python build doesn't run and visa versa.
  1. …in reply to @olearycrew
    SvitekPavel macsikora gitlab Note that given we want pipelines to pass in order to merge, we also have to use only: merge_requests as documented here: docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#using-onlychanges-with-pipelines-for-merge-requests