olearycrew’s avatarolearycrew’s Twitter Archive

25,416 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. I’m so excited to see more memes in Mastodon. That’s what it has so sorely needed to feel more real.
  2. “In a way it was easier when there weren’t cars because you didn’t have to have one because you couldn’t even if you wanted to.”
  3. I have to keep this going and see where it leads yet? I’m 90% sure it’s a scammer so what should I say next?
  4. This domain is expiring at the end of the year because I have "grown" and turned off auto-renew on some of the many domains I own. If you want it, let me know...I'll let you have it...for free. Same goes for any unused domains here: buff.ly/3FO3jUQ
  5. This dude who wasn't being paid by Twitter and has no access to their code base did more than the dude that was confident in his ability to do what 1,000s of engineers didn't TJEvarts/1595600733914669062
  6. As promised, I'm beyond excited to announce that I'm starting this week as Head of Community at ProjectDiscovery.io. I'm humbled to be joining a diverse & energetic group of professionals. Together, I'm confident that we… mastodon.social/@olearycrew/109546624241315133
  7. "Who was there?" "Everyone" TaylorTwellman/1605286742394900481
  8. As promised, I'm beyond excited to announce that I'm starting this week as Head of Community at pdiscoveryio. I'm humbled to be joining a diverse & energetic group of professionals. Together, I'm confident that we will democratize cyber security. boleary.dev/building-in-the-open-again/
  9. I will 100% pay $8 to vote again elonmusk/1604985324505030658
  10. The cost of beer at NFL games is truly out of hand. BrianMFloyd/1605019507587944449
  11. Vox Populi, Vox Dei
  12. Imagine your social media business decisions are so bad that you're worried about _Mastodon_ as a "competitor"
  13. So this account is back, but the Mastodon link is gone. It is replaced with a help.twitter link that 404s. Hardcore engineering. Also, evidently, Twitter can now modify the text of your tweets if it feels like it.
  14. Tell me you don't understand the implications of Section 230 without telling me you don't understand the implications of Section 230. elonmusk/1604588904828600320
  15. Imagine your brain being this broken. Truly every word of this tweet is just incredible. CollinRugg/1604618436667011074


  1. …in reply to @jadynkro
    @bwayhrvy ChloeCondon I’m going to be thinking about this tweet for the next like 981 years
  2. …in reply to @kyliebytes
    kyliebytes Me, a parent of a 10 year old: Before: Well Ted Talks is a safe part of the internet for my kids to see. After: Blocks ted.com on my firewall.
  3. Change my mind
  4. …in reply to @miketaylr
    miketaylr Next level: make it a park
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. What Apple expects filmmakers to do today #AppleEvent
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. Based on rumors from last week about Microsoft’s intent to purchase GitHub, a #movingtogitlab trend has started on various social media platforms. I made a video to help those trying to make the move. lnkd.in/d5qpyKg lnkd.in/dkkVaPN

I’ve retweeted other tweets 7,706 times (30.3%)

Most Retweeted

  1. gitlab 248 retweets
  2. QuinnyPig 134 retweets
  3. ChloeCondon 106 retweets
  4. MadMenQts 100 retweets
  5. ProjectLincoln 99 retweets
  6. dnsmichi 81 retweets
  7. iamdevloper 68 retweets
  8. kelseyhightower 65 retweets
  9. TheRickWilson 56 retweets
  10. MetzinAround 46 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

Replies and Mentions

38.8% of my tweets are replies (×9,874)

Most Replies To

  1. ChloeCondon 216 replies
  2. tipyn2903 191 replies
  3. MetzinAround 147 replies
  4. mattstratton 138 replies
  5. dnsmichi 125 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

I’ve sent someone a mention 140 times (0.6%)

89.4% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (6,206 of 6,939)

NaN% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (0 of 0)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 3141 tweets
  2. bit.ly 878 tweets
  3. gitlab.com 566 tweets
  4. getthedamnvaccine.com 284 tweets
  5. youtube.com 157 tweets
  6. boleary.dev 93 tweets
  7. youtu.be 83 tweets
  8. ift.tt 77 tweets
  9. lnkd.in 74 tweets
  10. github.com 68 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 3140 tweets
  2. bit.ly 878 tweets
  3. about.gitlab.com 325 tweets
  4. getthedamnvaccine.com 284 tweets
  5. gitlab.com 173 tweets
  6. www.youtube.com 153 tweets
  7. youtu.be 83 tweets
  8. boleary.dev 82 tweets
  9. ift.tt 77 tweets
  10. lnkd.in 74 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 5,335 retweets and ❤️ 68,470 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🟩 used 124 times on 12 tweets
  2. 😉 used 107 times on 100 tweets
  3. 🤔 used 101 times on 78 tweets
  4. 😃 used 91 times on 91 tweets
  5. ✨ used 79 times on 38 tweets

242 unique emoji on 989 tweets (5.6% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. devcommunity used 86 times
  2. appleevent used 84 times
  3. movingtogitlab used 84 times
  4. gitlabcommit used 78 times
  5. kubecon used 74 times

1,333 hashtags on 1,332 tweets (7.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. d_mn used 16 times
  2. f_ck used 14 times
  3. h_ll used 13 times
  4. f_cking used 11 times
  5. s_it used 6 times

91 swear words on 91 tweets (0.5% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets